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“I survived the 2012 Boston Marathon”. That’s the shirt that Dale wants someone to create so that he can buy it. 87° temperatures and running a marathon are two things that do not go well together. Yet Dale was able to stay upright, when unfortunately many didn’t, and run a very respectable 3:45 marathon.

Our weekend in Boston was memorable; not only for the heat but for the great opportunity we had to promote pork during the Health Expo. As I walked into the Event Center, I could smell the inviting scent of grilled pork. Even though the place was packed and I couldn’t find our booth, I knew the Pork Power team was there. We had lots of people ask why pork was at the Health Expo. When we tell them how well a lean protein like pork fits into an athlete’s diet, you could see their head nod in agreement.

Over and over we instructed people on the proper way to cook pork and how that really does make a difference in juiciness and taste. In the end, our goal was to create a positive impression, to provide a little education and to encourage people to continue to buy pork.

Having goals and committing to the hard work and discipline to achieve those goals applies to most everything we do in life, from promoting pork to running marathons. Sometimes things happen beyond our control but that doesn’t make the preparation or the effort needed to accomplish the task any less significant.

Simply having the courage to take on a daunting task reflects the true character of a person.

Congratulations Boston Marathon Finishers

For those of you that don’t know it, Dale is running the Boston Marathon on April 16th. The Boston Marathon is probably one of the most famous marathons. Even people that don’t run recognize the name. Dale has been training very hard, or perhaps I should say diligently over the last 5 months. He’s a man with a plan and he’s sticking to it. I hope that brings him success at the race.

The Pork Power Blog got its start about 3 years ago when the MN Pork Board decided to be a sponsor at Grandma’s Marathon. A group of us pork producers, who happen to be runners, decided to share our experiences, both on running and being pig farmers.

In April at Boston, the MN Pork Board will be exhibiting at the Health Expo. It will be a great opportunity to share the message of how pork is a lean and healthy protein that fits into an athlete’s diet.

It’s going to be a busy time in Boston. Not only do we have Dale running and the Health Expo, but I’m going to be running the 5K on the 15th and I just found out I was selected to be a volunteer at the Marathon. I’ll be helping with the clothing check at the starting line. It should be a great experience.

Watch out Boston. The MN Pork Producers and their “Pork Power” are on the move.

Like most parents of basketball players, especially those with multiple players, the winter months become a blur of gyms, games and more games. Beth has finished her season and Adam’s last game will be Monday night.

Both kids have done well. Their skills have improved and they’ve gained a greater understanding of the game. As Beth’s coach I’ve had the privilege to coach these girls since 3rd grade and have watched them improve. I’m excited for them next year as they move into Junior high basketball where they will get more practice and more playing time. It will be fun to see how they do.

I must admit that not having somewhere to be on a Saturday morning is a bit odd. We’re so used to running around that it feels strange to stay home and actually focus on things that need to be done around the farm. Some projects we’re working on include:

  1. Finishing the chicken coop- this will house our chicks this spring and Brett’s rabbits when they have babies in a month
  2. Watching our 4-H pigs as they progress though the farrowing barn and nursery. Beth, who is pictured here, is quite excited about the pigs that we’re looking forward to taking to the fair this July.

What’s next? Track season will start March 12 and then we’ll be going to meets and watching kids run. Dale will be running the Boston Marathon is April 16 and I’ll be doing the 5K on the 15th.

I’m excited for Boston since the pork producers will have a booth at the Health Expo. What a great opportunity to share the good news about Pork Power with thousands of health conscious runners. Stay tuned; we’ll share more as the time gets closer.

Lori has been doing some heavy lifting on this blog for a while, so I thought I would step in.

At this time last year, I was feeling pretty good about my running accomplishments. I had completed a big year for mileage (1500.5) and had a Boston qualifying run at Grandma’s, which was the first running event sponsored by the Minnesota Pork Board.

Fast forward to closing out 2011. I raced a half marathon in St Paul with a good enough time to get a nomination for MN Runner of the Year (I happened to Google my name). I raced Grandma’s 25 minutes faster than 2010, and was within 1:30 of my lifetime PR for 26.2 miles. I must have reached my running goals on that race, because it was tough to get inspired to train hard the rest of the summer.

Qualifying for Boston again was a true highlight, and I was able to register for the race on the first day. I also had lined up our flights and hotel rooms early, so we won’t scramble trying to get those nailed down. The only thing left to do was train.

Looking for a different challenge, I signed up for the Master Run Coach program, which follows training principles set down by Arthur Lydiard. Without going into details, a runner needs to have a large aerobic training base to add speed to as he gets closer to the race. I am finishing my base training this week, putting in about 70 miles. Wow.

One last thing. I ran 1785 miles in 2011, nearly 20% more. Most of that occurred in the months of November and December, when Boston training kicked in, and snow and ice were not problems like 2010.