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I am sorry but I am going to whine a little here!

The rain needs to stop for about a week or so. I know many farmers that do not have all their crop planted and the later the crop gets in, the more likely they will be harvesting in the snow. That does not work very well.

Plus all this rain is preventing me from keeping up with my training program. I do not have a treadmill in my house and I don’t have gym membership so I rely on being able to run outside. I woke up this morning at 5:30 hoping to get out to run, looked outside and it was wet and dreary so I decided not to take the chance. Good idea as 5 minutes later it was pouring rain.

On Sunday morning, I took the chance and ended my run in the rain plus shortened my training by 5 minutes.

I have to admit, I am surprising myself. I actually miss it when I can’t run. Truly never thought I would say those words. I feel better, I sleep better and overall get a kick out of the training that I have been doing. I am proud of myself for not giving up already and keeping up with the program I am using. Every time I reach a milestone it makes me even more determined to complete it.

Ok, so I am done now with my whining 🙂

I hope that overall everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend! I will continue to work on my training program and keep the updates coming.

Time really flies! Here I thought I would be right on top of things and posting here on the blog weekly with my training progress…well that didn’t quite work out at all the way I wanted it to.

I have been training though, got a little behind schedule, but have started my 4th week of training. The intervals for today (and 2 more times this week) include 5 minutes of running – twice! I have to admit, I did not make the entire 5 minutes the first interval this morning but pushed myself on the second 5 minute run and did it. I think if anyone would have seen me they would have thought I had lost my mind. I cannot explain how good it felt to be able to push my way through to the end of 5 minutes.

I know, I know for some 5 minutes isn’t long at all but for me that is a milestone. I am really enjoying the training and getting outside to do this. I guess that is the thing I want to stress, I never thought I would be able to run for 5 minutes….and I did it!!

I have been trying to watch what I am eating as well. I have found over the years that carbs and I have a love/hate relationship so I have not cut them out entirely but I am trying to eat more vegetables and fruit plus protein. I love my protein. (PORK of course!)

So to wrap things, I have made it to 4 weeks of training for the 5K in June. I will just keep pushing and when I look ahead – by the time the program I am following is done, I will be running for 25 minutes straight….that just seems like a long way off!